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Explore our FAQs to learn everything you need to know about PreMedley, our resources, and how we can help you crush the MCAT and get into med school.

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Simply put, we offer significantly more value for a fraction of the price of other programs. For less than the cost of a night out, we offer over 20 hours of MCAT tutoring and med school application advising – every. single. week. And we’re so much more than just a tutoring service. We bring together hundreds of premeds, med students, and mentors across the U.S. and Canada via our online community, so you can ask questions, get advice, and feel supported 24/7. Plus, you’ll get access to exclusive resources like practice MCAT questions and study guides.

Compare that to other MCAT test prep services or private tutors that can easily cost you thousands of dollars for just a handful of hours of tutoring.

Absolutely! Please check out some of the amazing testimonials from PreMedley members featured here, as well as on the @premedleyteam Instagram page within the “Why Us” story highlights.

You’ll be part of our online, live chat community via Discord, where you can connect with other premeds and current medical school students 24/7. Whether you’re struggling with a specific MCAT topic, or just need a little encouragement, we’ve got you. 

Beyond our live sessions, you’ll also have access to exclusive MCAT study guides and practice questions to help you get an edge. 

With a PreMedley Plus membership, you’ll get added perks, like access to session recordings, so you can watch them on-demand, plus additional practice questions and other resources. 

If you’d like additional support, you also have the option to meet with our tutors for one-on-one sessions at their own affordable rates, though this is completely optional and not a requirement to be successful.

We aim to provide the most effective MCAT and med school application support for the most affordable price. 

We offer month-to-month subscription options as well as 3-month, 6-month, and annual plans at discounted rates. We also have a lifetime membership option at a significantly discounted rate, which is great for students interested in joining our community beginning in their early undergraduate years. Visit whop.com/premedleyplus and click the “Join” button to see our options.

Yes, our memberships start with a free trial, so you can check all we have to offer – no strings attached! Cancel anytime before your free trial ends and you won’t be charged. 

Generally, the earlier the better! Many of our members have MCAT dates coming up within the next 1-2 years. Others join us a few months before their MCAT dates to reinforce key concepts and prepare for the med school application process. We also have members who are earlier on in their undergraduate studies who want to get an edge by learning from premeds who are further along in the process. Wherever you are in your premed journey, PreMedley welcomes you!

PreMedley provides access to amazing tutors and mentors to supplement your own focused studying and content review. We have tutoring sessions geared toward students at various stages of their MCAT studying journey, and we provide study schedules that you can use and modify to your specific needs.

Good question! Self studying is a huge part of doing well on the MCAT, but having access to tutors that will teach you strategies to conquer even the most challenging passages is invaluable. It’s one thing to learn the content and work through practice problems on your own, but it’s a whole different level to be learning proven strategies from tutors that can help you score higher than you ever thought possible. 

Outside of PreMedley, you can easily pay hundreds of dollars per hour for one-on-one sessions with tutors that may have scored well on the MCAT, but may not be effective teachers. With PreMedley, you can pay a fraction of that and get over 20 hours a week of highly interactive, engaging sessions with tutors who have excelled on the MCAT, and know how to teach effectively. 

Our tutoring sessions are hosted virtually, where you’ll join a small group of other motivated premeds alongside one of our amazing tutors. Depending on the specific session, our tutors cover everything from high-yield concept review, to breaking down complex passages. Along the way, our tutors will equip you with strategies that help you understand the logic behind questions, avoid traps, and narrow down the right answer choice with speed, precision, and confidence. Our sessions are highly interactive, so don’t be shy– feel free to speak up and ask questions at any time!

While we offer a wide range of sessions geared towards premeds at varying stages of their journey, you do NOT need to join our sessions in any particular order. We offer the flexibility for you to participate in any sessions you’d like, based on the topics that are most helpful for you.

YES! We have tons of students in our community who are ‘nontraditional’ premeds, including those who have taken multiple gap years, are changing careers, or who are parents. We even have dedicated channels within our chat community where nontraditional premeds can connect, learn, and support each other.

Of course! We’ve supported countless MCAT re-takers and re-applicants to refine their study strategies, address their content gaps, raise their MCAT scores, and get tips on strengthening their application to help them gain admission to medical school.

PreMedley tutors are dedicated and passionate premeds or current med students who have earned top scores on the MCAT. They use their expertise to make complex topics easier to understand.

We also have exceptional application coaches. These are current med students who have been very successful in their own med school application process and offer firsthand expertise on everything from understanding the application timeline, to crafting a stellar personal statement, applying to MD vs. DO programs, preparing for interviews, acing the CASPer and PREview situational judgement tests, and more.

Head here to meet some of our amazing tutors and coaches.

We’re here to help! If you have signed up for a membership but have not yet joined our Discord, please login to whop.com, click the PreMedley icon, then follow the instructions under the Discord tab to join.

You can also manage your subscription by heading to https://help.whop.com

If you have questions about something else, please fill out the Contact Us form and include a description of your issue. Someone from our team will be in touch.

We’ve worked with many organizations and universities to support their students on their path to med school. Please fill out the Contact Us form to get in touch and discuss options.

 Please submit an application to work with us.

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Sample Schedules

Join over 20 hours every week of tutoring covering all sections of the MCAT, plus sessions designed to help you crush the application process.

Session recordings available on-demand for PreMedley Plus subscribers. 

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Crush the MCAT with These Free Prep Resources!

Get access to study guides, cheat sheets, and expert tips designed to boost your score. Free and delivered straight to your inbox.

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